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hello sugarbabies!!
Li Peiyi
11 oct
admiralty pri
sembawang sec
nanyang poly
green tea
black crystal milk tea
potato wedges from south bolditalicstrikestrong
♥♥♥ Love &


nintendo DS/wii
shopping spree!!!
man utd jersey
a job!!
learn hip hop =D


msn at rhonda_luv@hotmail.com
Email Me


new hair
Monday, March 23, 2009
2:25 AM
ok...so on a lighter note i went for a haircut n went n got......................................................

hahaa....ya i noe after ages of asking everyone abt it i finally got it
it looks better than the last time i got bangs =D thx derrick!! muackx love u to death ahhaa
so here is a preview of it =D

hahaa....ok pardon the dead face and the heavily eyeliner-drawn-scary eyes i think my hair looks kinda nice...=D nana says it suits me though baby thinks i look damn kuku hahaa his army mates think i look like a korean girl haha...not bad ah...i think koreans r pretty cute hahaa errr wateva..=D cadence says it suits my face =D whee so overall i think im happy i juz need to master the new hairdryer

hahaa...gd nite honeys!! muackx

i miss u nana!!come bk soon and bring bk some snow!!=D

there are times like this
2:10 AM
there r times when everyth is moving ard me but feel nth, alone.
there r times i hold my cat n think tt no one but him wld miss me.
there r times i sit in room full of ppl n feel like they cnt see me.
there r times i sit at hm alone thinking tt everyone has forgotten me.
there r times i hold baby's hand n think he might juz see the real me n leave.
there r times i stay awake thinking afraid he might die n leave me alone.
there r times i feel like my family doesnt noe me.
there r times i think tt im not worthy.
and there r times i think im depressed.

then i wake frm my nightmares n face the world with nth but faith
knowing everyth will be alrite.

i am grateful for frens i cn call anytime
for family who loves me
for baby who sees me n forgives me n loves me
for ppl who read my emo post all the time hahaa =D

see tt dark place?go towards it!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
1:14 AM
left work in a hurry
called ch to ask where they were n how to get there
took 169 to the bus stop after smb cc n called them again

me: hello!!eh..im at the bus stop le now wat?
ch: orh wait arh...
(passes hp to ambrose)
A: eh ok so u see tt super dark place opposite the shop house?
me: ah...ya..
A: ok walk towards it
A: walk pass the high elements n towards the fire n noise..
me: err...ok....i'll call again if i get lost..

hahaa....it was really very dark n ulu la!!damn scared man....
i walk the wrong direction n almost walked to the nx bus stop hahaa....wapiang damn tired loh...
i was trying to walk super quick hahaa...finally found the gate but the place look damn deserted(correct spelling?) n the gate was closed wa so scared someone will jump out n scare me...
after walking ard being pretty scared n an attempted prank (its not at smb!!its at yishun!!really i nv bluff de where r u?) i finally found them!!!
whee i love my class peeps they r like da bomb man...i felt so full of energy even after work...hahaa...u cn nv get enough of khalisa's pranks n jokes...saw sis n ch!!!oo...damn happy la i super miss them will find a day to hang out with them =D naz was there too
the ltc didnt look as jialat as ours la....haiz....they have aircons!!!i dun think tts a camp loh....plus they didnt have the annoying planes gg pass every few mins....(damn those planes!!)
really wish i didnt have attachment n cld help out....sigh....
we left ard 11.40...ch's pa drove me n naz to smb stn n khalis to khatib stn...wish i cld have stayed longer..

called dear when i get to smb stn....i cld hear the sian-ness in his voice...he was at chong pang w mao wang n others...i think i call him too much...haix...i dun wana be one of those needy girls but he did say he wld walk me bk cos it was so late....tt tone in his voice made me examine myself as a gf...haix...thot i cld hang out w him n his frens for awhile..i didnt feel like gg hm juz yet...the nite was still young n i felt like drinking hahaa...not tt i drink tt often but ya..=D dear wld kill me if he knew...hahaa....hhmm...guess i shld let him hang out w his frens i guess i was being very selfish wanting him to meet me when he books out....booo to piggy bad piggy =( argg...damn childish haha..
hhmm...i took my time walking hm i think i probably looked drunk cos i was like staring at the sky n not walking straight hahaa...the moon was pretty today =D there were stars at the campsite pretty!!!=D i had a aching feeling to walk to wellington but decided against it....they might think i was running away again hahaa...saw bunny along the way she kinda recognizes me now...she will run to me when i make the 'cuo cuo' sound....=D yay....played w her awhile n felt much calmer...so i headed hm....

baby if u need time alone or w ur frens juz tell me
i'll understand...
i have frens too dun worry =D

note to piggy:
1) be less of a leech
2) dun stare at the bacardi breezer for too long (u look stupid)
3) rmb to take the mango pudding out of ur bag (hahha i juz thot of it)
4) rmb to upload pictures nx time i blog


is tt rain or is the sky peeing?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
4:12 PM
Y2K songs on the radio
sky is ultra dark
the air so bloody cold
juz another day at the cc

blah...having my attachment now at a info counter aka cc hahaaa
the ppl r pretty fun but the customers r crazy!!!
i almost got eaten up by this auntie trying to ask me abt the election thingy...
damn i noe nuts abt it arggg....felt like slapping her haha...bleah...

baby came bk ytd...came to my work place to meet me n i pass my lappy to him...
was waiting for ohsofickle to lauch her latest collection at 7 b4 he came...
i sugared him up for some cash to shop online since im very bloody broke haha...
but when i submitted the order form all the items were alrdy pending....
the collection opened at 7 n i submitted at 7.40pm....damn...
bloody hell those girls r so damn fast man....her stuff juz fly off the the screen man...
haix...scoring an item frm her is like winning a lottery man...
will try again some other time...

once again im sick..vomitted on wed nite...went to the polyclinic on thurs n got an mc...

doc: ok so 1 day mc or 2 days?
me: (i cnt be tt sick rite?) 1 day loh
doc: eh..ok loh.

dumbo....shld have taken 2 days...my head was hurting like mad...damn....

sri is gg for lunch...
crap im gona be alone at the counter...
im so gona die...so scary man....
hhmm...this song is nice...=D
dun noe the title though...
havnt listened to the radio in ages man....
its still damn gd...Y2K songs r still the best hahaa...
good times those were..=D

might be gg to check out the ltc gg on near smb park ltr
naz n khalisa r gg too =D hope they dun leave too early...
wonder who's gona be there...
having my off days on wed n sat so i think i might go find the others at their attachment on wed...
sats r booked by my baby...=D

damn baby cancelled another dinner date..damn...will be eating mac
yup i noe...im still sick but...aiya i duno wat else to eat le...
i think i have to improve my chinese...some ppl dun understand wat im saying the vise versa...hahaa..

im juz rambling on & on...im juz bored....hahaaa

started at 4.12 ending at 5.06?


Thursday, January 22, 2009
5:12 AM
piggy has a sudden urge to party

dancing ard makes the world look like flashing lights


kanye west is kinda hot but arrogant

spirits make me go crazy

aiman's strawberry-condom cheesecake makes me laugh


obviously piggy is gg mad

i think the sun might be rising any moment

cat napping with meow meow sounds nice


spaz pig
4:24 AM
hey peeps.....=(
my blog got frozen for quite a long time im like too lazy to blog abt stuff....

its 4.25 am now....blah...damn ICCM proj is taking longer than i expected....n guess wat i havnt done shit yet...y?

cos the damn bloody video cam is a relic with an unknown format tt no software cn read...

ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...............i think im gona kill myself....even dj cldnt do anyth abt it....
damnit.....everytime i try do smth for my proj grp i will screw it up....whee....piggy is damn useless cn....

maybe its better if i juz sit bk n do nth........super sry-n hope-to-die to my grp members if we fail....blah....

4.31 am.....still cnt do anyth to the video....blah...

piggy is stupid
piggy is useless
piggy cannot make it
piggy shld nv become a video editor
piggy shld kill herself for not being to do anyth..

BBOOOOOOO.........i dun think i deserve to slp....

haiz.....last resort...cut n sew it tgt on the DVD recorder....it'll be damn raw but at least we'll have a video.....hope we dun have to show it infront of the class...=(

thousand apologises my frens....piggy is a fool who cnt do anyth pls rmb not to let her do anyth impt in the future.....


=( baby i need u bk here to keep me sane...my brain is getting fried....my behavior weird...moments of craziness is overcome with extreme emo-ness...exams r coming but im getting lazy....slping late has become a norm followed by skipping sch like in sec sch....bboo..piggy is spiraling down into hell...no wimpy rasor for me juz a chainsaw....ggggrrrrr.....

this pic really looks like baby n me =D i wana hug him he's my ultimate stress ball i u baby..humph......y muz u go malaysia when u cn spend time with me?bbbbbbooooooooo.......im getting needy....spaz....

its 5 am n class is at 9?wheee.....

only 2 tickets?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
11:41 PM
haix....i wont be gg for baby's POP...stupid NS cheat us...told him got 4 tix then now only got 2...haix....damnit ...so i let his parents go loh...so i have to go to sch tml....boring!!!will be meeting him when he comes bk...yay!!baby has one whole wk off so i wana:
  • go shopping!!

  • go cycling at east coast!!!

  • watch a midnite movie!!

  • stayover!!!

  • Kbox!!!

  • play bball!!

  • hang out...=D

i hope baby will have enough time to acc me hahaa..i promise u'll have time with ur frens de la..=D im very nice de hahaaa

biz law was super scary today but i think it went alrite except for the purchase order!!!suppose to be receipt ur honour...psps...hahaa...kacheek honeybunny said i look nice today hahaa...but not prettier than charlene rite hahaa...jamie said too..hahaa...happiness!!too bad baby didnt get to see me....hahaa...kacheek said i shld dress like tt everyday hahaa...i dun think so man...im kinda lazy plus if i dress like tt everyday then everyone will expect me to dress like tt so...BOOOOOO....im onli dressing up when i wan to ahhaa...=D my C&K shoes was throwing a tantrum today n bit me till i bled..=( super painful sia....my shoe was stained with blood.damn gross now my right foot has raw patches =( im wearing slippers tml for sure